Do you know your blood pressure reading? If not, it might be time to find out. Dr Zelda Brits, a general practitioner at Netcare Medicross Roodepoort, warns that hypertension, often dubbed “the silent killer,” can go undetected for years, quietly causing damage to the body. By the time symptoms arise, significant harm may have already occurred, potentially leading to a serious health crisis.

“One of the concerning aspects of this common, life-threatening condition is that many people are unaware they have it, hence the ominous nickname ‘the silent killer,’” she said. “The prolonged effects of untreated high blood pressure are too serious to ignore.” Signs and symptoms of hypertension Although some people don’t notice specific symptoms, others may experience signs of high blood pressure.

According to Brits, these can include: Headaches Shortness of breath Nosebleeds Dizziness Chest pain Blurred vision Swollen feet “These symptoms are often dismissed as just feeling off or blamed on a busy lifestyle. However, ignoring them could mean the first indication of dangerously high blood pressure is a stroke, heart attack, or heart failure. Long-term hypertension can even lead to kidney failure or vision loss,” she cautioned.

She stresses the importance of regular blood pressure checks as part of routine health assessments with your healthcare provider. Understanding blood pressure and its risks Blood pressure measures the force of blood against artery walls. When.