Union minister G. Kishan Reddy on Tuesday eulogised the heroic history of Telangana by recalling the sacrifices of thousands of people against the tyrannical rule of Nizam and his private army of Razakars to achieve freedom. He said the fight for freedom that raged in Telangana was distinct and more valiant than the one that people from the rest of the country waged.

People in Telangana have built thousands of buruzus (bastions) in almost every village to shield themselves and led a fearless fight against the Razakars. After hoisting the National Flag to mark the Liberation Day at the celebrations of the Central government, at the Parade Ground, Kishan Reddy asked people to decimate the political parties and their leaders that tried to cover up the gallant history of the Telangana people to appease fundamental elements and to carry out their vote bank politics. Recalling the atrocities carried out by Kasim Rizvi and his Razakars, Kishan Reddy said that it had intensified between 1946 and 1948 with the murder of Hindus in hundreds of villages, rape of Hindu women and looting of their wealth.

Over 60,000 families have lost their lives in the gruesome atrocities carried out by Razakars, he said. “The Nizam had burdened people with over 90 taxes to lead a luxurious life. The private army looted food grains and imposed severe restrictions on use of Telugu.

The library movement by Andhra Maha Sabha and some organisations saved the Telugu language. The Nizam imposed restrictions o.