In Hyderabad, sales of high-end homes, priced between Rs 1 crore and Rs 2 crore or more, now make up over 50 per cent of total sales since 2022, up from 30 per cent before 2021. In addition to this, high-end home launches in the city have also spiked to 55-65 per cent of new developments since 2022, a sharp increase from the less than 20 per cent seen each year before the pandemic. Hyderabad: In the past three years, the property market in Hyderabad has witnesses massive changes.

While the sales of mid-range homes have dropped significantly, the high-end housing segment market has witnessed a massive surge. Hyderabad has become a favoured location for premium and luxury homes due to its extensive growth in the last 10 years. A recent report from CBRE South Asia Pvt.

Ltd, titled ‘Hyderabad’s Residential Renaissance: Dissecting the city’s transforming housing landscape,’ highlights these changes. The data in this report throws light on the fact that sales of high-end homes, priced between Rs 1 crore and Rs 2 crore or more, now make up over 50 per cent of total sales since 2022, up from 30 per cent before 2021. In addition to this, high-end home launches in the city have also spiked to 55-65 per cent of new developments since 2022, a sharp increase from the less than 20 per cent seen each year before the pandemic.

Mid-range properties’ sales drop The surge in the high-end properties has come at the expense of mid-range homes, which are now priced between Rs 45 lakh and.