Hugh Jackman gave Marvel boss Kevin Feige a memorable and humorous tribute at his Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony on Thursday, celebrating the man who played a pivotal role in making him a global superstar. Jackman known for his iconic role as Wolverine, was on hand to honor Feige who was being celebrated with a star on the Walk of Fame. He presented Feige with a $15 voucher for a popular steakhouse chain, adding a light-hearted touch to the evening.

In a video shared on Facebook, he struggled to maintain a straight face while delivering the cheeky gift. "I honestly would go with you, but I’m kind of a massive movie star now, so it wouldn’t look good for me," Jackman quipped. During his speech, Jackman reflected on his long-standing relationship with Feige, revealing that he had known the Marvel Studios president since his audition for Wolverine in the X-Men movie 25 years ago.

Speaking to a star-studded crowd that included Ryan Reynolds and Chris Pratt, Jackman’s tribute highlighted the deep respect and gratitude he holds for his role in his career. Jackman delivered a touching tribute to Marvel's Kevin Feige during his Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony on Thursday, marking a full-circle moment in their long-standing relationship. "Out of the blue, Kevin pulls over at a restaurant," Jackman reminisced.

"By this point, we all knew I wasn’t getting the part—the waiter, Kevin, and I. But Kevin insisted, I want to buy you a steak." Jackman described how this gesture of k.