KOCHI: On Monday, actress Minu Muneer joined the bandwagon of other actresses to come up with some explosive allegations of sexual misconduct against actor Jayasurya. Minu said the shameful incident happened in 2008, during the filming of Balachandra Menon’s movie ‘De Ingottu Nokkiye’. The shooting of the film took place at Thiruvananthapuram’s Secretariat.

Minu Muneer: “I was fixing my saree when Jayasurya came from behind and hugged me. The actor even kissed me by force. This was my first film and I was shocked.

Jayasurya even asked me to visit his apartment in Thiruvananthapuram and said it would benefit my career. However, I said NO to his advances and later got no phone calls. I was hurt by the incident and wanted to complain this to Jagathy sir who was also on the set.

However, he was always surrounded by people which made it impossible for me to reveal the incident.” Minu asked more women to come forward and open up about their horrific experiences in cinema. The actress also revealed the indecent advances made by former AMMA general secretary Edavela Babu.

“I wanted membership in 'AMMA' organization and enquired about the proceedings with Babu. He asked me to visit his flat to fill up the form. I was busy filling out the form when he reached close and kissed my neck.

I didn’t know what to do and immediately stormed out of the apartment. After the incident, I never received membership in 'AMMA' organization.” Said Minu.