HUGE plane "faux pas" which wind up fellow airline passengers have been revealed. Flying can be tedious at the best of times, so frequent travellers may want to avoid the annoying behaviours - which may lead to less than ideal relations with your seat neighbour. Among the tedious tendencies, listed by travel website Thrillist , is 'keeping the window shade up when it's lights out'.

The publication's editor in chief, Lindsay Schrupp, slammed selfish window seat passengers, writing: "Read the room, buddy. "We are all on this 7pm plane pretending it’s nighttime together. The lights are dimmed, the blankets are out.

" Among the other aeroplane faux pas listed were striking up a conversation with your seatmate, keeping the armrest up, and not helping someone with the overhead bin. Bailing on your significant other to sit 'wherever you like' was ranked as the most unforgivable faux pas. It comes after a flight attendant revealed which passengers are hated by airline staff .

The cabin crew worker said: "Arguably the worst are the couples getting overly-excited on their way to their summer holidays. "The summer months are always much worse for this, with young couples heading off to their romantic sunny getaways . "They get on the plane, have a few drinks and get a little amorous, and it really makes the people around them feel uncomfortable.

" Also listed among the worst passengers to deal with were drunks people who "make the most of the booze onboard". The flight attendant said: ".