Hi there! If you’re anything like me, you love getting notifications that keep you up to speed on everything from juicy celeb gossip to the latest dating trends. Maybe you’ve been receiving notifications by accident, or maybe you signed up to get updates from Cosmopolitan.com.

(If so, good choice on your part!) Although you might like seeing updates on your monthly horoscope or the latest pop culture news, we totally understand if you no longer want to receive these notifications. Luckily, we did you a favor and created a step-by-step guide on how to disable notifications in Google Chrome and Safari. This is the part where you get to choose whether you want notifications automatically or you want to be asked first.

If you chose to have a website ask your permission before sending you a notification, you will receive a pop-up that says “Allow” notifications or “Block” notifications. We are all entitled to change our minds! If this is true for you, it’s pretty simple to reverse this process. First things first, head back to the website you disabled notifications from.

You will likely be asked if you want to subscribe to notifications again. Hit “Allow” to enable the notifications. If you’re using Safari on a Mac (like me at this moment), fixing your notifications looks different, but that’s nothing we can’t handle.

After opening the Safari App on your Mac, click on Safari in the top left corner of your screen, find the preferences, and then open up a sec.