The number of children vaping has tripled over the past three years, according to a recent report by the Department of Health and Social Care. Last year the Children's Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza called for a ban on these 'insidious products intentionally marketed and promoted to children'. While it remains illegal for anyone under 18 to buy e-cigarettes in the UK, unfortunately this often doesn’t stop kids getting their hands on them, leaving many parents wondering whether their offspring could be vaping .

With this in mind, online vape retailer Go Smoke Free analysed 50 TikTok videos detailing how to hide vapes or small items, to uncover where your child is most likely to be secretly storing a vape. These hiding spots, often shared by teenagers on TikTok, are designed to help their peers avoid being caught by their parents and having their vapes confiscated. The most common hiding spots for small items according to TikTok Location No.

of mentions Percentage of TikToks Inside or in between unused clothes 20 40% Behind paintings, canvases or posters 14 28% Inside pillow or pillowcase 11 22% Under, inside or beneath drawers 10 20% Under mattress or within bed frame 10 20% Inside curtain, blinds or on top of window 9 18% Inside shoes 9 18% Inside a stuffed toy 8 16% In a pen pot 8 16% Inside a box 6 12% Mentioned in 40% (20 out of the 50) of the TikToks analysed, was hiding small items inside unused clothing. This included inside hoodie pockets, rolled up in jumpers or .