We don’t always have the answers, but we have some people on speed dial who do — which is why we present to you our series FYI where we have experts explain if lip balm is actually bad , how often should you wash your hair and more. Whether it’s a bag or a comfy couch, items crafted from leather have an extra luxurious feel. The smooth, sleek material doesn’t just look high-end, it lasts longer than many other materials and can be easy to clean.

Because of its quality and long-lasting nature, leather can be pricier — so it only makes sense you’d want to keep it in tip-top shape. According to textile and cleaning experts we spoke with, taking care of leather goes beyond simply wiping it down occasionally. You can take several steps to protect leather and keep it looking good.

To help you with your leather pieces, we got advice on how to best care for your leather and insight on what damages it and how to use a leather conditioner. SKIP AHEAD What causes leather damage? | How to take care of your leather | How to use a leather conditioner | 5 highly rated leather conditioners | Why trust NBC Select? When it comes to leather, a bit of wear and tear is totally normal. For example, when you first buy leather it may be stiffer and have a bit more shine.

You’ll notice it gets softer and slightly dull as it breaks in. But beyond that normal wear and tear, several things can accelerate leather aging or cause damage. “Excessive moisture, heat and direct sunlight can lea.