is all about survival in a world completely overrun by , so you’ll need to start your game with a good strategy if you want to last a few days. While finding the is key, there are some other things you’ll need to consider. Here’s what you need to know to survive the first night in .

Best ways to survive your first night in 7 Days to Die These are the first things you need to focus on during your first day in 7 Days to Die. During the daytime, prioritize collecting resources and materials that will help you survive throughout the night and maintain your Health and Water stats high. Since night starts at 8 PM in-game, start looking or building a Shelter before the sun goes down.

If you don’t have one, you won’t make it through the night. Tips & tricks for first night in 7 Days to Die The first night in 7 Days to Die is when you’ll set up your survival strategy that can either make or break you during the early game. There are four things you’ll need to take care of during your experience: .

Your Food and Water meters are spent when your character engages in physical activity or after a long period without consuming resources. If they get to zero, your character will die. Since your priority must be these four stats, here’s what you’ll need to consider to survive.

7 Days to Die has an in-game 24-hour day cycle, where . You’ll need to think about this when you’re out exploring the world and looking for resources since Zombies become relentless during nightti.