Time often feels like an elusive luxury. Our schedules can often become packed with work deadlines, family obligations and social engagements, relaxing can seem impossible. But did you know that relaxing doesn't have to mean spending hours of free time alone? In this blog we will look at practical techniques to find relaxation even during hectic schedules.

It is ironic that as our lives get busier, so too do our needs for relaxation increase. When sets in, taking time out for relaxation can do wonders for both physical and mental wellbeing. Relaxation should not be considered simply a luxury but an important ingredient of productivity and creativity.

Realizing its significance will enable us to incorporate relaxation into daily lives despite limited time frames. You might be amazed to find how easily just a few deep breaths can provide relief when things seem chaotic. When feeling stressed out, take a few through your nose while expanding your belly as you hold for four counts before exhaling slowly through your mouth for five or six cycles.

This breathing exercise can reduce stress levels quickly while changing your mindset in under two minutes. To reap the rewards of mindfulness, you don't need to devote lengthy sessions to meditation or yoga. Instead, practice being present when doing mundane tasks, be it washing dishes, sipping , commuting to work or other mundane duties such as washing your hands.

Pay attention to all five senses. Taste, touch, smell, sight and sound ali.