H ome renovation projects are often fraught with stress. Watch any popular TV programme featuring people with big ideas and you’ll soon witness the disintegration of sanity, the predictably “shocking” budget overspend and big delays. If you are thinking of doing work to your home, these tips should help you to manage it successfully – and enjoy it, too.

It is easy to get carried away when you have a good idea, but you should not start work until you have a firm plan. If there is any rule to follow in property refurbishment, it is this. Gorgeous images on Instagram can easily tempt you.

Don’t be their prey. Get quotes and cost out any project before you start. Remember that while details may change, the plan will keep you on course to achieving the final desired result.

When you make your plan, you should also research any planning permission and/or building regulations that are required. These applications need to be built into your timeline and costed, because this will affect your budget. While UK inflation is now a lot lower than it was, the cost of materials and labour has remained high.

This may mean you have to prioritise and pare back your original ideas to suit your budget. Make a wishlist and decide what is really important. Work out what you may be able to do yourself to save money, or what you are willing to sacrifice.

Having a plan does not mean things won’t go wrong, but it will increase your chances of success. Remember, changes of mind or changes of.