When buying skincare, makeup, haircare, and body care products, the first thing consumers look for is the expiration date. You want to maximize the use of the product before it expires, after all. Dr.

Jarische Lao-Ang, a dermatologist and health content creator, told GMA News Online that it's necessary to check the expiration date to know if the amount of product will be enough or too much to consume within its prescribed shelf life. Lao-Ang emphasized using expired products can potentially cause skin irritation or allergic reactions, leading to a compromised skin barrier. "In expired products, the preservative used won't be able to function in preventing the risk of microbial contamination of the product," she said.

"Also, ingredients in expired products won't be able to deliver their usual uses," she added. You can find the expiration date of beauty products printed or embossed at the bottom, the side, or the back of the packaging. Meanwhile board-certified dermatologist Dr.

Maria Elinor Grace Sison, adds it is equally important to make sure that the packaging is not tampered with to ensure it is not contaminated with any substance other than what is included in the ingredients list, so it's best to buy goods that are packaged well and sealed. But there are more things to check out in a label of a beauty product. The order of ingredients The ingredients in a product are listed in descending order from highest to lowest concentration.

So if water is the first listed ingredie.