With warm weather comes long weekends, trips to the beach, and, inevitably, summer acne—a phenomenon that sends breakouts to the surface of skin. But while you may have experienced an increased number of zits through summer, there’s no clear scientific consensus about it, according to New York, NY board-certified dermatologist , "Not everyone experiences a seasonal variability in their acne," she says. However, if you tend to be prone to acne, it’s unlikely that it’ll get better in the summer.

“Acne is not necessarily more prevalent in the summer versus the winter, but certain patients break out more,” says , a board-certified dermatologist in New York, NY. “Since the summer tends to make people more oily, those with oily skin to start may find the additional clogging will cause them to break out.” The combination of excess oil and sweat can create the ideal conditions for a breakout; when we sweat, it can cause the outer layer of dead skin cells—which typically slough off on their own—to stick to skin, leading to more congestion than usual.

Fortunately, adjusting your skincare routine can help you stay ahead of breakouts, whether you experience hormonal acne or only see pimples every so often. Here’s what the experts recommend. 's Favorite Summer Acne Solutions In This Article While a is a year-round essential, consider switching to a gentle, foaming formula during the warmer months.

Rabach recommends face washes that contain salicylic acid, especially .