We all know the importance of wearing SPF , but ensuring your children are protected from the sun is not easy. As tiny tots, when their skin is super-sensitive, they’re likely to wiggle and wriggle, or even run away as you’re trying to apply it. As they get older and our lives get busier, it becomes tricky to find the time for top-to-toe application.

And once they hit their teens, the issue of wanting a tan seems to hinder the process. “Putting sun cream on children is one of the most dreaded moments while on holiday, or when the sun comes out here in the UK,” says women’s health and fitness expert, and mum-of-three, Mari-Carmen Sanchez-Morris, and reveals her kids make comments like, ‘Mummy it’s sticky’, ‘Not on my face!’ and ‘Argh, it’s in my eyes!’ as she’s trying to apply it. “There is no getting away from it,” she says, “it’s stressful!” Tim Allardyce, CEO of family activity app Hoop , agrees, “As a parent, it can be very hard to put SPF on our children.

My son, aged eight, is absolutely fine, but my daughter, aged six, has sensitive skin, and she really dislikes having anything on her face. Ultimately, if a child refuses to use it, the battle to try and put it on may not be worth the crying and yelling, and you might have to settle with making sure they cover up or wear a hat.” Need some tips? These tried-and-tested methods might help.

.. Keep babies out of the sun When it comes to babies, the best approach is to keep infants und.