If you have trouble orgasming from penetration, you're not alone. According to one study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy , only 18 percent of women surveyed said they know how to orgasm from vaginal sex. The reason you don't know how to have a vaginal orgasm could be for a myriad of reasons, including gender dysphoria, anxiety, past trauma, physical injury, and disability.

But not knowing how to orgasm from vaginal penetration doesn't mean anything is wrong with you or that something must be "fixed." It could just mean you're putting too much pressure on yourself. "Vaginal orgasms occur when stimulation from penetration of the vagina takes place.

This can be during solo pleasure using fingers or stimulators or with a partner through vaginal or oral sex," clinical sexologist Megwyn White says. "If you haven't experienced an internal vaginal orgasm, know that that is completely normal." In order to have fun and pleasurable vaginal sex, it often starts with returning to the basics, meaning both partners should be relaxed, communicate with each other, and spend extra time on foreplay .

It also may require you to revisit what you want from sex. Is there a new kink you'd like to explore? Is there a better sex position you could try? Then, once you change the expectations you set around orgasm and performance, you can then start to focus on how to orgasm from penetration. With help from experts, let's dive into how to actually enjoy vaginal sex, starting with min.