Encased Steel Beams are an important part of any Satisfactory game, playing a significant role in production during the mid-game. Used in several recipes and buildings, having enough to get by is a priority that shouldn’t be ignored once they become available. As is to be expected in a game centered on industry, Steel plays a significant role as an essential resource.

It goes into many of the components and buildings that players need to progress with both the Space Elevator and in the game more generally. Understanding the Steel pipeline is vital in ensuring that precious resources are not wasted. There are several alternate Steel recipes within the overall tree that better utilize ingots than the standard version, with Encased Industrial Beams an excellent example of that principle.

How to craft Encased Industrial Beams in Satisfactory For the main Encased Industrial Beam recipe, players can either use the Craft Bench or take advantage of the Assembler. It’s only possible to start production on this component once Advanced Steel Production is unlocked at Milestone Tier 4. To get started, you’ll need the following resources to produce a single beam: 3 x Steel Beam 6 x Concrete This is actually the less efficient way of producing Encased Industrial Beams, and you are actually better off turning to pipes for the Steel portion of the recipe requirements.

If you do decide to do that, you will need the following: 6 x Steel Pipe 5 x Concrete Though this appears to be more ex.