Kassie Mendieta, known to her thousands of followers online as I Bake Mistakes, found out about the chocolate muffins at the Olympics the way most other people did: through Norwegian swimmer Henrik Christiansen’s love letters to the treats on TikTok. Christiansen, 27, a three-time Olympian, has made a name for himself this week for vlogging his obsession with the "choccy muffins” available to athletes at the Olympic Village in the suburbs of Paris. His most viral videos are absurdist, garnering millions of views for their off-kilter humor.

One video in which Christiansen feigns being held hostage by the muffin has been watched more than 4 million times. The swimmer has become so popular as the "muffin man” that even fellow Olympians have gotten in on the joke, making their own videos when they find Christiansen in the wild, or joking that they have to get to the muffins before the swimmer does. On Sunday, when Mendieta first noticed Christiansen, he had posted just a couple of TikToks about the muffin.

(Now, there are 13 and counting.) In these videos, the muffin’s oozing chocolate center is on full display as he raves about them. In his first video trying the muffin, he called it "11/10” and "insane.

” Why not get the recipe straight from the source, the muffin supplier? Because the company is guarding the secret. So Mendieta, who has been posting recipe videos online for two years since being laid off from a professional kitchen during the pandemic, decided to ju.