Children aged five to 18 should be doing an average of at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day, according to the National Health Service (NHS). To help parents and carers keep their kids active over the school holidays, a fitness, wellness, and nutrition expert has shared some guidance. Penny Weston, who runs the award-winning health spa Moddershall Oaks and leading wellness centre, MADE, has issued three top tips.

3 top tips to help you keep your kids active over the summer holidays. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images) The expert shared: "Any exercise has a really positive impact on your mental health but this is never more true than exercise in the great outdoors. "Sunshine naturally boosts the production of the feel-good hormones and the fresh air will help your children sleep better.

" Cycling is a great option for those looking for a way to get their child moving outdoors , according to Penny Weston. "Cycling comes with all sorts of benefits such as stress relief (and) building muscles as it strengthens the whole body and improves cardiovascular fitness," Penny advised. (function (d, s, n) { var js, fjs = d.

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