Design is a major component for any home renovation. Introducing mixed metals into the kitchen and bath is one of the latest design trends that should be considered when thinking through that next project. The eclectic aesthetic behind the mixed metal trend is popular across the design world and it only takes a few different types of materials, finishes and personality to get the job done.

See below for ideas and easy ways to bring it all together, all while keeping budget in mind. Looking For Inspiration No matter the interior style you’re trying to go for, getting inspired by the world around you or getting acquainted with what’s trending in the interior decor space (via home/lifestyle magazines or vlogs) are good places to start. Maris Park Borris, Color Material & Finish (CMF) designer at Delta Faucet Company, says inspiration can strike from a variety of ways and reminds homeowners “regardless of style or design intent, I think we can all find inspiration from different times or places in our lives.

“From your past, present or future, to online or even nature sources. People pick up on things that are meaningful to them!” Park Borris says. By reading up and taking inspiration from others and trends happening within the design space, you’ll start to notice general themes that are frequently incorporated, including the mixed metal trend.

A little dedication and creativity are all that’s needed. To start, pick two or three contrasting metals with different ton.