Medical emergencies can occur anytime, especially when one least expects it however, being ready and knowing how to react can make a difference in the results during such situations. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Amit Nabar, Director - Emergency Dept and Community Medicine at SL Raheja Hospital in Mahim, outlined the five vital actions that every person should know to tackle and handle a medical emergency - 1. Evaluate the circumstances: In any medical emergency, the most important thing to do is to remain composed and act fast to gather information.

Keep an eye on the individual who needs medical attention and check if they have consciousness, have respiration, check if the victim has deep wounds, or significant bleeding. You can determine the next course of action and gauge the seriousness of the situation with the help of this brief assessment. 2.

Call for help: After assessing the injured victim and the situation, immediately call for professional help. When you contact on the emergency number in your area, provide them with clear, concise information about the location and nature of the emergency. Explain the individual's condition to the operator so they can dispatch the appropriate emergency services.

This step ensures that professional medical assistance is on its way while you start initial care. 3. Provide basic first aid: As you wait for emergency personnel to come, give the patient basic first aid as needed including Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), if.