Lungworts, , are low-growing, spring-flowering herbaceous plants that thrive in shade. Named after the mottled leaves of some species, which were thought to resemble lung (pulmonary) disease, lungworts were traditionally used to treat lung infections. You can buy 'lungwort complex' to treat lung, stomach and urinary tract issues today, however there is no scientific evidence that lungwort complex has any health benefits at all.

These days lungworts are grown for their shade tolerance, attractive leaves (despite resembling diseased lungs) and bee-friendly flowers – lungworts are particularly associated with the hairy-footed flower bee, . There are several species of lungwort available, such as , and . There are many hybrids, too, featuring different flower colours –typically blue, pink, or white – and leaf patterning.

Lungworts are perfect for growing at the front of shaded or partially shaded borders. Perfect as ground cover, grow them in a slightly more sunny location to attract more bees than those growing in full shade. Grow lungworts in moist but well-drained soil in partial to full shade.

Plant pulmonaria singly, or in groups or drifts, in good fertile soil in partial shade. Once established, pulmonarias need little care apart from cutting back once or twice a year. Remove browned leaves and faded flower stalks after flowering.

Divide clumps every four to five years to maintain healthy growth. More on growing lungwort: Grow lungworts in moist but well-drained soil .