As the weather begins to heat up you may begin to notice more and more maggots starting to appear in your bins. Maggots are fly larvae, Country Living explains. "If flies settle on your rubbish, they may lay eggs which can hatch as maggots within 24 hours," the lifestyle and home experts add.

"This can then turn into a repetitive cycle." While maggots can be found at any time of the year, they are particularly prevalent during spring and summer. How to get rid of these common garden pests Maggot infestations in bins aren't uncommon, but are unpleasant.

So to help, head of technical training academy at Rentokil Pest Control, David Cross and British Pest Control Association (BPCA) technical officer, Natalie Bungay, speaking to Country Living , have shared some expert advice on how to get rid of them. What causes maggots? You are likely to find maggots crawling in rubbish bins around your home, especially during the warmer months. But where do they come from? Tap Warehouse cleaning expert Dominic Lees-Bell explains: "Maggots thrive on rotting fruit and waste and feed for about five days before they turn into flies, so it's vital to get rid of them before they can pupate.

"With waste rotting faster in the heat, your bins should be cleaned more frequently than usual; make an effort to wash out your bin, on top of taking the rubbish out." Maggots thrive on rotting fruit and waste. (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto) Cross added: "For a large portion of their lifecycle flies exist in .