With hundreds of doctors to choose from in Beverly Hills alone — and an onslaught of seemingly dramatic before and after images on social media — selecting the right professional for a cosmetic procedure can be overwhelming. “There are people who don’t know where to begin and need help navigating the process along with those who may have made poor choices in the past they want to correct,” says Melinda Farina, founder of , the leading global aesthetics consultancy for the past 25 years. Based in New York, Farina was motivated to start her company after witnessing friends and colleagues wind up with inferior results.

“So many people were getting botched and winding up on the cover of tabloids,” she says. “They were choosing the wrong surgeons for themselves, and I wanted to help provide a beautiful outcome.” Zoom consultations start at $450, with Farina or one of her 11 colleagues learning what the patient is interested in addressing, followed by reviewing doctor wish lists, providing background info on each doc and making suggestions.

Given their trusted relationships with medical practices all over the world, Farina and her team are also able to help expedite appointments. Julie Obst and Alana Ungvari, partners in , provide a new, similar service specializing in L.A.

-based doctors. “There are consultants for colleges, for summer camp, for seemingly everything, and given that choosing a surgeon is one of the most important decisions you can make, it makes .