The darkness that shrouds the map makes it seem impossible to escape, clouding almost every step taken. Not to mention the lingering threat of the enemy Mercs and Aliens, who are always quick to give you a jumpscare. Fortunately, there are a few ways to ease this tension, and we’re here to show you how to escape as a Merc in .

How to extract in Level Zero: Extraction First, you’ll need to open your map by pressing the ‘M’ key to pinpoint the various . Some areas require a specific tool to unlock, including an Ice Pick or Zip Tool. However, other locations don’t mandate anything at all.

I recommend to successfully extract in . You can locate the Free Extraction on your map by hovering over the four icons (it will tell you which one it is.) This one always seems to involve an elevator guarded by a turret.

Other players will also be gunning for this location, and I’ve found it helpful to keep my light off to avoid detection. Unfortunately, it takes two minutes for the elevator to come up, where the game will alert others about its activation. The electricity may also go down, so you’ll need to wait until it’s active again.

Although it’s a little cowardly, you can do what I did and sit in darkness while it’s on its way. I also like to keep my distance from the extraction point in case someone decides to show up. Once the elevator’s ready, run inside as quickly as possible and start the extraction.

Another escape route can be used if you meet a specific weigh.