Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Travel light with just a backpack to avoid the hassles. getty Summer travel has made headlines for airport havoc, flight cancellations and plenty of frustration all around. But, for the traveler that embraces minimalism and mindfulness, these woes can be pushed into the background as they seek a simpler form of experiencing the world and their place in it.

Minimalism in travel is not about sleeping in tents, reciting chants or seeking a Zen atmosphere from morning to night. It is about lightening the load, both physically and emotionally, to place the main focus back on the destinations visited and the people with whom you share those experiences. That is the best benefit of minimalist travel, and for many people, this mindset becomes something they follow at home, too.

Purging the unnecessary things we tend to hoard and enjoying the belongings that have the most significance can be freeing. Flying with a light backpack for a long trip takes courage and creativity. getty So what does a minimalist traveler look like? Probably like your every-day traveler, but perhaps with less luggage and a more positive outlook on situations, even when things do not go as planned.

Apple Air Tags aside, lost luggage can throw travel plans awry, especially when a trip involves visiting multiple places in a short time span ( like on a cruise where retrieving a lost bag can be a challenge). Seeing the world with just a carry-on bag or backpack .