Whether you choose a communal place of worship, a natural outdoor setting or a cozy quiet corner of your own home, a spiritual practice is something that offers great peace, value and comfort for many people, especially when times get tough. If you’re feeling called to explore something greater than yourself, but you’re not sure how to go about it, here are some tips for creating rituals that resonate with personal meaning. What’s meaningful to you may not matter so much to someone else, and vice versa.

That’s OK. A spiritual practice can be as individualized as your own fingerprint. Start your soul-search by spending some time thinking about the kind of experience you want to have and what you want to gain from it.

Regular religion-based fellowship with a liked-minded community? A closer personal relationship with a deity? Volunteer opportunities to be of service to others? Or a chance to center yourself during a busy day? Getting clear on the goals you hope to achieve will guide your journey toward finding the best outlet in which to pursue them. If you’re still feeling unsure about where to start, ask the people around you to share what works for them. Then choose some of the pieces that feel right to test drive for yourself.

Prayer, meditation, yoga, writing in a journal, even taking a walk in a park or sitting by the ocean — part of the appeal of any spiritual practice is the peace and quiet it provides, and couldn’t we all use a little more of that! It’s.