The media is replete with examples of fraught in-law relationships. From the to the detached father-in-law, there's often not a positive representation of these dynamics—and for good reason. Many married people and find peace with their partner's parents.

wondered if there was a place—apart from the therapist's couch—to gain the insight needed to bond and heal relationships with in-laws. We were curious about what the chatbot had to say about fathers-in-law as the arguably less-represented in-law relationship. asked the generative AI tool ChatGPT to outline a few ways sons- and daughters-in-law could deal with challenging fathers-in-law.

the following prompt: "You are a relationship expert. Outline three ways a son-in-law can deal with his father-in-law and three ways a daughter-in-law can deal with her father-in-law." ChatGPT proposed a list of six ways people can —three for men and three for women.

has listed the six methods as suggested by the chatbot below: : Actively listen to his opinions and experiences, express gratitude for his support, and be mindful of his traditions and values, even if they differ from your own. : Discover and engage in shared hobbies or activities to build a bond, participate actively in family gatherings, and offer assistance or seek his advice on topics he's passionate about. : Address any conflicts or misunderstandings calmly and directly, be transparent about your feelings and intentions, and seek his feedback to show you value his in.