Three citizens of Pawt Purvanna are missing precious items, and it’s your job to find them in the Lost and Found quest in . Your job won’t be finished after returning the items, however. You’ll have one last task to complete.

But first, the items. Lost and Found item #1 – Jug o’ Milk After reaching Pawt Purvanna, head southeast toward the Great Purrier Reef. Hit the beach and go west until you stumble on a tombstone with a flashing conversation marker.

Activating the tombstone gives you a puzzle to solve. The tombstone’s puzzle tells you to follow the beach and search for starfish. Follow the beach until you find a group of four and five starfish.

Between the two groups is an activation marker. Press it to find the first item buried in the sand: the Jug o’ Milk. Lost and Found item #2 – Smithy Hammer The second Lost and Found item is to the west, located on the Twilight Isles.

Seek out a small beach on the northern part of the island. You’ll find another tombstone, once again with a flashing conversation marker. Activating the tombstone gives you another puzzle, which asks you to navigate to the map coordinates of “6, 32.

” The longitude and latitude are along the edges of the map, with the former at the bottom and the latter on the sides (meaning the X and Y coordinates). The location you need to go to is..

. oh, right next to the beach. Huh.

It’s not a hard puzzle, but you do have to take down the island gates to reach the beach. Once you do, look for .