It's hard to believe that once upon a time, AOL was the biggest thing in home internet. Its iconic notification, "You've got mail," was music to the ears of millions of Americans in the 1990s and early 2000s, letting them know they'd just received a new email. Back then, for many internet pioneers, getting an email was a celebratory event, and hearing that alert was the highlight of their day.

Given its popularity, the company seemed unstoppable. If you were around for the AOL phenomenon or heard about it in passing, you may have wondered, what ever happened to AOL ? The answer is that AOL is still around and provides email and other web services as part of Yahoo! Inc. Today, many people turn to Gmail and other free alternatives for their email needs, but AOL continues to have a loyal following.

You need your AOL password to access all of the web portal's services. As with any email account you have, you'll want to change or reset your AOL password from time to time. There might be any number of reasons you'd want to do so, including forgetting your password or updating it to keep your account secure.

While we most often think about changing our passwords when we forget them, it's also a good idea to change them periodically to protect your accounts against cyber threats. You'll want to be sure you choose one that's not among the most commonly hacked passwords to make it difficult for someone to access your AOL account without your authorization. Follow these steps to change .