Walking through dirty water is unavoidable, exposing feet to germs and infections. Continued exposure to water can make feet soggy and lead to cracks and infections. Wet shoes and constant moisture can cause smelly feet from bacteria.

Moist conditions breed bacteria that can cause painful infections around nails and stubborn fungal growth. Walking barefoot increases the risk of getting warts, and consistently damp skin can lose its protective layer, possibly causing allergies. Taking good care of your feet during these wet months is crucial.

Footwear choice is crucial for monsoon foot care . Closed shoes can increase fungal infection risk. This is due to trapped moisture.

Opt for open footwear when possible. It allows feet to breathe and dry quickly. When closed shoes are necessary, take extra precautions.

Use antifungal powder in your shoes. Carry spare socks to change if feet become damp. Choose water-resistant or quick-drying materials for monsoon footwear.

Waterproof shoes can be helpful. They protect feet from dirty water. However, ensure they allow some ventilation.

Completely sealed shoes can create a moist environment inside. Rubber sandals or flip-flops are good options. They dry quickly and allow air circulation.

Avoid leather shoes during heavy rains. They can get damaged and take a long time to dry. Even brief exposure to rainwater introduces harmful microbes.

Wash feet thoroughly with antibacterial soap after returning home. Pay special attention to areas between.