Summer presents unique challenges for travel advisors, from managing fluctuating client demands to balancing personal commitments and travel plans. Many advisors tend to accept that summer is a slower time, but with practical tips and a shift in mindset, they can turn this period into a growth opportunity. Recently, I spoke with Michael Roque, Envoyage’s National Sales Director, who brings over 20 years of experience in the travel industry.

Michael’s wealth of knowledge and knack for innovation make him a trusted advisor in the field. Here, he shares actionable insights to help seasoned travel advisors sustain business growth year-round ..

. Tip 1: Streamline Client Relationships “During slower periods, evaluating client relationships is crucial,” Roque advises. “Identify clients who require excessive time but contribute minimally to your revenue stream.

Prioritize relationships with clients who appreciate and value your expertise. Don’t be afraid to part ways with those who aren’t aligned with your business goals, style, or values. This makes room for those who are a better fit and will contribute positively to your growth.

” Tip 2: Expand Your Client Base Strategically “Expand beyond your current client base by targeting niche markets or demographic segments,”suggests Roque. “Collaborate with local businesses or organizations catering to these segments to enhance visibility and referrals. Don’t hesitate to ask satisfied clients for referrals; word-of-m.