Anyone who's moved straight in to a newly built home will know the feeling well. I'm talking about that empty feeling: bare walls, stark windows and no sense of a focal point in the house design. It's the same when you're renovating a space where all the original features have been stripped out, until you start to restore some interesting details and pull the interior design together there'll always be a sense that something's missing.

Adding in detailing may repay you in other ways too, since there are some architectural features that add value to a home as well as enhancing the aesthetics. So where do you start? How can you add architectural charm to a room that doesn't have any? We asked interior designers to share their tips on how to inject character into a featureless space and, ranging from quick fixes to minor construction work, their stylish ideas will make a world of difference. The starting point for this challenge is to establish what's missing from the room.

If the room is completely devoid of all architectural details, then the features that will be most obviously absent are things like the fireplace , decorative moldings , trim, millwork and perhaps built-in cabinetry. Besides adding these structural details there are many other quick fixes that will help to give the room some more interesting focal points. Check out our interior designers' bright ideas for structural changes and minor decorative additions below.

1. Work with what you've got and embrace the bla.