How time flies, especially as we get closer to the holidays. Thanksgiving will be here soon. And then the big one will follow — Christmas, of course.

It does not seem possible that another year has literally flown by, but it has. And when the years start flying by believe me that begins to make me feel just that much older. I love the word older only when you are talking about antiques and collectibles — not about people, however.

But let's not dwell how old we are, let us concentrate on ages of the things we love to collect. Time just seems to keep traveling along at a much faster speed than it did when I was much younger but I am thankful for the Lord giving me more time to be with family and friends. I became a great-grandma again a few months back and best wishes on that beautiful event to my grandkids Kort and Jaeli Steele.

And then my grandson is staying with me for awhile and he put up some very beautiful Christmas lights around the front of my home. It'll be the first Christmas for me at my new address and I'm really looking forward to it. I have not had Christmas lights outside for quite a spell so it will be a nice reminder of our fun and magical Holiday.

Little things become big things when you get to my age. I am just so lucky to still be around and I am very grateful for that. We are still having our antique classes at Wild Bill's on Tuesday evenings.

If the roads and weather are OK, that is. You be your own judge and watch the weather reports carefully. The .