If you’ve seen two 1970s horror movies, they were probably The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Alien . Interestingly, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre inspired the director of Alien in a major way. In addition, the director said Alien was similar to The Exorcist .

The director of ‘Alien’ called ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ ‘horrendous’ Ridley Scott is the director of popular science fiction films like Blade Runner and The Martian . During a 2019 interview with The Hollywood Reporter , he said, “It was so outrageous in its idea and story—possession of a body by a massive insect that will lay eggs in you and create other insects. “It was remarkable.

While Scott acknowledged that the portrayal of reproduction in Alien bore some similarities to the possession in The Exorcist , he still felt that Alien ‘s premise was original. Scott discussed his approach to directing Alien . “I don’t know, when you’re doing a film like [ Alien ], if you can have too much blood,” he said.

“It is very difficult to really scare me. I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre when I was prepping for Alien one Saturday afternoon in the Fox studio in a small theater. It was horrendous, and it scared the s*** out of me.

” Why the ‘Alien’ director couldn’t eat after watching Leatherface The Texas Chainsaw Massacre haunted Scott. “I think I started with a hamburger at lunchtime and never took a bite,” he said. “But that was into overdrive and overkill.

“There’s a lot of peop.