It’s been 17 years since concluded with its infamous cut to black. And while has offered several acclaimed crime dramas since then (like and ), the company’s first effort to feel like a kindred spirit successor series is, weirdly enough, a show. Or rather, a -Batman show: , a spinoff of filmmaker Matt Reeves’ 2022 film , which focuses on the power-hungry Gotham City gangster ( ), without a cape or cowl in sight.

, premiering Tuesday (trailer below), has drawn heavy acclaim from critics (it has a 90 percent positive score on Rotten Tomatoes, although ‘s was mixed) thanks to Farrell’s mesmerizing portrayal of a psychotic underworld gangster and as mob family heir Sofia Falcone (in a performance everyone will be buzzing about in the coming weeks). Below, the show’s creative mastermind, Lauren LeFranc ( ), discusses her bold approach to the series, which presents what’s arguably the most grounded comic book-inspired TV drama yet, and also serves up not one, but of the best DC villain characters portraits ever put to film. *** I’m glad you feel that way, because that was the goal.

We wanted it to be more of a crime drama than a comic book show. Matt established a very gritty Gotham City in his movie and a very grounded Gotham. I don’t feel like his movie felt too comic book-y in the traditional sense.

And so I definitely took a page from that. Obviously, he has the Batman in it. And Batman, I don’t think, is really a hero or a villain, either.

So for us, all of.