Inspired by the profound (and often profoundly silly) Frenchness of the Paris Games, we — like much of the internet — have been thinking about how to showcase L.A. when the Olympics come to town in 2028.

While the next edition of the Summer Games has come in for criticism and complaints , it’s also likely to match or exceed events like the Super Bowl and the Oscars in terms of turning the world’s attention to the city. In the spirit of the loud, chaotic, inimitable City of Angels, here are nine wild ideas for making L.A.

itself the star in four years’ time. Erect the Olympic cauldron at Griffith Park..

. In the land of sunshine and palm trees, one landmark that (literally) stands out above the rest, situated on the side of a mountain range overlooking the greater L.A.

area, is the Griffith Observatory. That it can be seen from nearly every neighborhood and surrounding cities makes it a perfect location to build the cauldron. Imagine taking an evening stroll around the Silver Lake Reservoir and seeing the flame across the surface of the water? Or walking out of a bar in Koreatown and staring north up Normandie at the cauldron? Or staying in Mid-City and seeing the light of the burning fire from miles away? Imagine the photos taken on a clear night from all over Southern California.

If the cauldron were built at the Griffith Observatory, it would also take advantage of being next to one of our most famous landmarks honoring our greatest cultural export: the Hollywood s.