Sunday, August 11, 2024 Finding affordable package holidays in mid-August for under £360 per person might seem like a rare opportunity, but this year, the market is flooded with attractive deals. The major tour operators, Jet2 Holidays and Tui, are aggressively offering discounts, capitalizing on the fact that unsold plane seats and vacant hotel rooms are essentially lost revenue. With pre-arranged contracts for aircraft and accommodations, these companies are highly motivated to slash prices in order to fill the remaining gaps in their bookings, making it an opportune moment for budget-conscious travelers to snag a bargain.

There has been considerable online speculation suggesting that the surge in these low-cost holiday packages is due to a decrease in Russian tourists, who traditionally spend lavishly on their vacations. The theory posits that with Russian travelers unable to leave their country due to current restrictions, hotels are being forced to drop their rates in order to attract other customers. This notion has sparked debate, with many attributing the abundance of cheap deals to this shift in the market.

However, a closer examination of the situation reveals a more nuanced picture. While it’s true that there are an unusually high number of affordable holidays available this August, and organized trips from Russia face more limitations than before, this does not directly explain the pricing strategy observed. Although Russian tourism has certainly seen a decline.