All lawns benefit from being fertilized. Giving the grass the nutrients it needs helps any home have a lush, green, and beautiful lawn. However, feed too much or too regularly and you can harm the grass - so that leads to the question, how often should you fertilize a lawn? Fertilizing is an integral part of any yearly lawn care regime for those who strive for pristine grass.

Along with mowing, aerating, scarifying, and watering, feeding is often done multiple times throughout the year. Proper planning is important, though, as certain factors impact how often to fertilize a lawn . To help you make the right decisions about how often to feed, we take a look at three important aspects and get tips from experienced lawn care professionals to determine the right feeding schedule for your lawn.

The grass will suffer if you fertilize a lawn too often How often should you fertilize a lawn? The number of treatments a lawn requires throughout the year can depend on many factors. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach and certain elements will make a difference. However, as a guide, Justin Urbanek , product manager at John Deere, says: ‘Most lawns would benefit from 3-4 fertilizer applications per season.

Your type of soil and available nutrients in the soil impact how often and what type of fertilizer to use.’ A typical routine would include fertilizing a lawn in spring after the last frosts have passed to help with healthy growth. Then in high summer, it helps the lawn withstand .