She leads new film Bookworm, has joined the cast of Stranger Things and is yet to hit her teens. Nell Fisher is 12-years-old. This is something you have to keep reminding yourself while talking to her.

She speaks with a confidence that belies her young age. She’s incredibly friendly, talks directly and does not appear plagued by the afflictions of self-doubt , nerves or awkwardness that are commonplace among people much, much older than her. For the entirety of our half-hour interview, she sits with perfect posture, back straight, shoulders relaxed.

On more than one occasion I become keenly aware that my posture has slipped back into its more comfortable slouch. All of this is to say that she seems incredibly together. Not just for a 12-year-old, but for anyone.

And that’s before we get to the purpose of our Zoom call. Fisher, you see, is about to become our next global superstar..