As a gentle sleep coach for babies, I've seen countless parents struggle with baby sleep advice that doesn't seem to fit their child. From pregnancy onwards, parents are bombarded with advice around sleep routines focused on what I consider to be the biggest misconception in the world of baby sleep: that there is a one-size-fits-all sleep schedule for babies at certain ages. Many parents are told that following strict, age-appropriate awake times will result in a perfectly sleeping baby.

If only it were that simple! The truth is, babies are individuals with varying needs and temperaments, which significantly impact their sleep patterns. READ MORE:  How mum's quick thinking saved her son from a deadly disease In 2015, a panel of 18 specialists from leading organizations reviewed over 300 publications to update official sleep recommendations. Their findings, published in the Sleep Health Journal, provide average sleep durations for different age groups: Importantly, the panel noted sleep needs could vary by up to two hours on either side of these averages.

This means there can be up to an eight-hour variation in sleep needs within each age bracket. For a daily dose of 9honey, subscribe to our newsletter here . Given this wide range of normal sleep needs, it's clear that a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn't work.

Trying to force your child into a prescribed schedule can lead to stress and overwhelm for parents, wasted time trying to settle a baby who isn't tired and ni.