Can’t imagine starting your morning without a cup of coffee ? You’re not alone. Many people around the world rely on that jolt of java to jumpstart their day. In fact, 67% of American adults had coffee in the past day (more than any other beverage, including tap or bottled water ).

Why do so many consume this drink? One word: caffeine. Getting that caffeine fix is a daily routine for most, but when does it become too much? What is caffeine? Caffeine is a stimulant that occurs naturally in more than 60 plants including: Coffee beans Tea leaves Kola nuts, which are used to flavor soft drink colas Cacao pods, which are used to make chocolate products While caffeine is a natural substance, there’s also a synthetic version that can be found in a variety of products including, pain relievers, cold medicines, energy drinks, “energy boosting” gum and other snacks. What foods and beverages contain caffeine? It’s no secret that most people get their caffeine fix from consuming drinks like coffee , tea, and energy drinks.

However, it’s also found naturally in the plants used to make chocolate. The U.S.

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports one cup of milk chocolate chips contain 34 milligrams of caffeine. It’s also found in some plants used as flavorings, such as guarana, or alternative teas popular in South America, such as yerba mate. How much caffeine is too much? With more than half of Americans drinking a cup(s) of Joe a day, many may not be aware if they’r.