Summary US & China lead worldwide fighter jet production, followed by Russia and Europe. Japan & others assemble foreign fighter jets under license. Expect South Korea and Turkey to become notable fighter jet-producing countries soon.

Two countries (the US and China) account for most of the world's annual advanced fighter jet production. This article will only consider multirole fighter jets like the Su-35 and F-35. It will not count light attack aircraft like the Chinese Hongdu JL-8 and the Italian Alenia Aermacchi M-346 or light multirole fighter jets like the Korean KAI T-50 Golden Eagle and the Pakistan JF-21 Thunder .

The world seems set to produce over 500 and possibly 600 advanced fighter jets in 2024. Fighter jet-producing countries The top fighter jet-producing countries are the United States and China, followed by Russia and European countries. Some countries, like Japan and even Switzerland, produce or assemble foreign fighter jets under license (Japan's entire fleet of F-35As, F-15s, and F-16s were produced in Japan under license).

Many of India's fighter jets and many of China's older jets were produced under license. Country/Region: Expected fighter jet production numbers: United States: 171-206 (F-15, F-16, F/A-18, F-35) Europe: 50 (approx. Rafale, Eurofighter, Grippen) Russia: 28-49 (2023 estimate for Su-57, Su-30, Su-34, Su-35) India: 16 (Tejas) China: 240+ (J-20, J-16C, J-10) Total fighter jets built in 2024: 500+ In the coming years, South Korea, with its K.