Rats are often seen scurrying around outside but they can also make their way inside homes in the UK, causing a nuisance for homeowners. With a rat infestation able to take its toll on a home or garden, you might be wondering how long rats live and therefore how long you can expect them to bother you. The lifespan of a rat can depend on a few factors including the species of rat and the environment in which it lives.

Panther Pest Control has shared some data which explains how long wild rats can live in the UK – let’s take a look. How to get rid of these common garden pests How long do wild rats live in the UK? The pest control company said a study that was conducted in the UK found that the average lifespan of a rat is 1.8 years.

It was estimated that only about 5% of rats live up to three years or more. However, Panther Pest Control said: “In general, the longevity of a rat’s life is strongly individual and is mostly based on its living conditions, genetics, and diet. Rats can live for a few years in the UK (Image: Getty) “Meaning that if a rat is living in a safe place and has enough food and water, and doesn’t have any genetic issues, it can live up to three and more years.

” It added that rats living in the UK will “rarely” survive for three years but with the animals quickly reproducing, one rat in your home or garden can quickly become an infestation. Native wild animals in the UK Recommended reading: Homeowners can use this £1.79 hack to keep rats aw.