Although it's not always high-scoring, soccer is a fast-paced and exciting game. Whether you're a superfan or you can't ever remember what offside means , it can be hard to tear your eyes away from a match. If you fall into the latter category, however, you may be wondering how long a soccer match is.

And while there's a simple answer to that question — 90 minutes — the reality is slightly more complicated. Unlike many popular American sports, soccer is split into two halves instead of four quarters, and it has something called added time tacked to the end of each half. Plus, there's halftime to consider Here, we dig into how long soccer games really are, including whether there's overtime, what added time is, and how long soccer halftimes are.

How Long Is a Soccer Game? According to the rules of the game, as laid out by the International Football Association Board (IFAB) , a standard soccer match lasts for 90 minutes of gameplay. This is divided into two equal halves of 45 minutes each. The timing of both men's and women's soccer is the same, and the rules remain the same for the Olympics, for the World Cup, and for "regular" games outside of these major tournaments.

What Is Added Time in Soccer Games? Something unique about soccer is that there are no commercial breaks for TV or team-requested timeouts like in American football, and the clock continues to run no matter what happens on-field. For example, when there's an injury or the ball leaves the pitch (field), the c.