Most IT and information security leaders are very familiar with the term VUCA. Standing for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, it encapsulates the world we’re operating in today, one that is only going to grow more complex and uncertain over time. The best cybersecurity leaders are not only intensely aware of this reality; they’re also intentionally focused on developing and implementing strategies for thriving in a VUCA world and creating a pipeline of future-ready cyber leaders to stay ahead of ongoing disruption.

At last month, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel on how to empower a cyber-resilient culture, featuring three powerhouse CISOs: Laura Deaner, CISO at Northwestern Mutual; Nada Noaman, CISO at The Estée Lauder Companies (ELC); and Liz Rodgers, CISO at RAND. Amid a growing threat landscape, these CISOs emphasized the need for cybersecurity teams to understand and speak the language of the business, with a strategic eye toward driving greater customer and stakeholder value. As Noaman says, “This isn’t a job for the weak.

” That’s also why it’s such a thrilling profession, and it takes more than technical skills to successfully navigate this territory. Our conversation touched on what defines a great information security leader today and how those leadership attributes fuel results for the business. The North Star: Connecting cybersecurity to the mission With its end-to-end view of the enterprise, the cybersecurity organization .