Did you know the toxic work culture, the need to be on the hustle constantly may lead to memory loss or Alzheimer's? Here is the connection you need to know. Published: September 25, 2024 9:01 AM IST By Alzheimer disease is the gradual decline of brain health that leads to impaired memory and cognition. It is the degeneration of brain cells that leads to poor mental functioning and brain cells eventually may die.

While this is common in elderly, the contemporary lifestyle can you put at risk too. In India alone, an estimated 5 million people are currently living with dementia, with Alzheimer’s accounting for 60- 70 per cent of these cases. In today’s fast paced world, it is all about the hustle and bustle.

Everyone seems to be on the clock all the time. This leads to increase in stress, anxiety, fear of failure, and high expectations, particularly at the workplace. This is often tagged as the ‘hustle culture’.

And this combined with no exercise and poor diet can act as a perfect mix to lead to Alzheimer’s disease. How extreme stress, office pressure can risk Alzheimer? Experts weight in how this work culture, poor stress management can risk you health at multiple levels. “Continuous stress, anxiety, fear of failing the targets and expectations has compelled people to detrimentally increase the number of working hours, cutting down on sleep and take up a lifestyle with minimal physical activity and unhealthy eating habits.

All these factors contribute to increased .