Sunday, July 21, 2024 Today, a global outage disrupted air travel, leaving passengers stranded at airports worldwide. As this incident is considered an extraordinary event beyond the control of individual airlines, passengers impacted by the delays are unlikely to be entitled to flight delay compensation. Despite this, regulations in the UK and other European countries ensure that passengers receive assistance during extended delays, including the provision of food and drink.

Similarly, in the US and many other countries, airlines are required to offer assistance to their passengers under their terms and conditions. Swiipr, a leading provider of airline compensation payments, has stepped up to support airlines in delivering immediate relief to passengers affected by the outage. Swiipr’s systems, which have remained unaffected by today’s disruption, facilitate physical and mobile card payouts for items such as food and drinks.

These digital systems have been working overtime to assist airline partners in compensating passengers stuck at airports globally. The scale of today’s events has led to a significant increase in compensation payouts. Swiipr has reported a more than 200% spike in payouts compared to a normal day, with this trend expected to continue over the weekend due to the knock-on effects on airlines.

Swiipr’s robust digital platform allows passengers to access funds at any outlet within and outside of airports, providing flexibility and convenience. Unlike .