Extended breastfeeding is a common phenomenon used by several mothers due to its rewarding benefits. If you are mom-to-be and wants to know some of its advantages, then scroll down now. Published: August 8, 2024 1:27 PM IST By Edited by Breastfeeding is a crucial phase for the mother and the newborn baby.

Breastmilk is enriched with valuable nutrients that are essential for the growth and development of the baby. Breastfeeding is an ongoing process that can last up to 6 months to 2 years. The immune system of the baby receives a significant boost due to breastmilk, especially in the first two years where they are more likely to fall ill or get infected.

According to research, extended breastfeeding can help combat allergies and diseases like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension later in life. Extended breastfeeding is a common phenomenon used by several mothers due to its rewarding benefits. Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding • It provides essential nutrients: It is a common myth that after two years there is no nutritional value in the breastmilk after a year, which is simply not true.

Regardless of your baby’s age, they will still receive all the essential nutrients from the breastmilk. The nutritional source in the breastmilk can help in supporting the physical and psychological health of the child. Healthy fats found in breast milk contribute to brain development and cognitive skills.

• Creates a unique bond: Mother and child share a unique bond that is filled with l.