We don’t need an expert to tell us that travel changes us, not just emotionally or mentally but physically too. Some of these changes are welcome – like getting a tan or feeling more relaxed – while others are less ideal, such as jetlag , stress, disrupted sleep or gut troubles . What experts can explain is how travel, whether it’s flying or sleeping in a hotel, can affect our hormones and how to minimise disruptions for a healthier, happier holiday.

Men, before you lose interest at the mention of hormones, it’s worth remembering that everyone, men and women, young and old, have an abundance of hormones that control how their cells and organs work, from cortisol to melatonin. How does travel impact our hormones? If you’re a nervous traveller or have been on holiday with extended family, you’ll know firsthand how travel can increase cortisol levels. Travel is full of opportunities to stress or worry, from cancelled flights to getting lost.
